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Intuitive, Easy, Seamless





PrivateGuru is a Podio Authroized Partner
Podio Workspace Configuration



This is all about getting your critical business information out of your emails and static spreadsheets and into an environment where you can track it, work on it and collaborate.



All businesses have their Order Entry and Billing System but those systems do not track the business and deal flow that leads up to and the collaboration around a given transaction.


I will help you configure a solution in Podio (a Citrix product) which will allow you to stop working for the information and allow information to work for you.


By placing needed critical information where it is accessible to those who need to know and available to those who might later need that information you will solve the drag that is created by email and spreadsheet project management.




Having the right tools is just part of the solution. I will help your team to experience, use and enjoy working with this new solution. 


From initial training to learn the basic of the very intuitive Podio system to ongoing support in the moment via screen share I will be there to make sure that your team can transition and maximize the benefits of the solution I help you create. 


The solution I create for you in Podio is customized and specific to your needs and your staff. The training and support will also be tailored to your staff and how they function. 


Once set up I can easily train one of your staff to maintain and administrate the basic support needs of the system. 

Advance Automated Workflows



Information is powerful in and of itself, having it where the people who need to work with that information can depend on it being there is typically a huge leap forward for teams.



We can now take things one step further by creating customized automations that will allow Podio to actively work for your team.



Projects and business are not static and things evolve constantly. Through automation we can create workflows so that upon given events or triggers (both internally or from external sources) we can make things happen.


Imagine having all the deliverables for a project assigned as tasks upon creation and upon completion of a given step or task having the correct people notified in a timely manner.



Notification of benchmark events can be sent to key staff to assure billing or invoicing of in progress payments.


The key is to let the information work for you rather than you working for the information.

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